Home > Diamond Love Logo

Diamond Love Logo

Create your diamond logo with our professional templates and avoid the entire design process. Edit the colors and brand name, so your new logo is ready in seconds.

Create your logo


Single, non-exclusive logo (used in unlimited ways) more info in Logo License

Editable versions:
Free version: PNG files
Premium version: PNG and SVG files

By completing the following form, you can request the edition of the logo with its colors and brand name. You can also request slight modifications to the design. And you will receive the edited logo within 48 business hours.
More about logo editing service

Logo files:
PNG (high definition)
SVG (vectors)
PDF (micro style guide).

Mauro Bertolino

Design by
Mauro Bertolino

Author Verified


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Diamond Love Logo Design Concept

This logo has a very interesting concept that combines a diamond with a heart. Through a geometric and linear design. And it ends up being a pictorial logo that is easy to use in any situation.

If you need an elegant, luxurious and modern logo, this can be an excellent option. In addition, it is very versatile and adaptable to various types of businesses.

But, going back to the concept of this logo, despite combining a diamond with a heart, it still maintains the shape and silhouette of a diamond. And the heart, located in the center, refers to love.


Possibilities of using the “Diamond Love Logo”

As we said before, the possibilities of using this logo are varied. But the most common possibilities of use could be in jewelry stores, in clothing stores or brands, and in fashion accessory stores.

Although in this game your creativity also intervenes because if you have a business related to jewelry or accessories you can use it without any problem. Or if you have a business where luxury and love are characteristics that are present. Then this logo is for you.


Edit and test your diamond logo

To generate your own version of this diamond logo, you will have to edit it with the colors and name of your business. And to make it look as professional as the template, you will have to do it with some care.

Use colors that can be combined with each other, like the ones we have used. And if you want to replace the font, do it with a similar one or one that is compatible with the illustration.

And to make sure the logo works well, you can test mockups with different usage scenarios. That will allow you to check its operation.

Related and similar logos

Here you have similar logos that you can also edit.

If you could not find the design you are looking for, you can go to the “Home” page, or you can email us, and we will create the logo you need.

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