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Geometric Logos

Create a geometric logo in simple steps with our online catalog and logo editor. Select a design and start editing without limits to generate and spread your new brand.

What is the ideal geometric logo for your business?

If you love geometric designs, and you have a business that can carry this style of logos, you are in the appropriate place. Because we have created a wide catalog of logos classified into categories and design styles to help create your new brand.

But of all this, which one do you think you should use. And it is here, right at this point, where we can help you. Because although all the designs on this page share something in common, not all of them will be appropriate for your business.

So, identifying the perfect design for your business will depend on the type of products and services you offer, along with your brand name. Because these elements provide you enough information about which geometric logo to choose to generate your logo.

Preselecting appropriate geometric designs

We just said that considering your products and services, along with the name of your business, you could choose an appropriate design for your business. And that is fine, but if you also look at the small details of these designs, you will be able to make a more precise selection.

And we are talking about selection because although you can select a design to edit, we recommend that you use an average of 6. Since, trying several designs will allow you to create a logo with more adjusted characteristics for your business.

And going back to the designs of the designs, what you should do is check which designs contain details and connotations that refer to the type of business you have and the products and services you offer. This point is vital, since it allows you to achieve an excellent connection with the name of your brand and the type of business you have.

Edit and adjust geometric designs

Once you have the pre-selected designs, what follows is to edit them with the logo editor. And you can start editing colors with the intuitive RGB color palette. Then follow through the name of the logo with the text tool. And if you like, you can change the font.

To finish the editing process, you have to adjust the layout of the logo and the text, but also adjust the sizes a little to achieve a magnificent harmony and visual balance.

Last tips to create an ideal geometric logo

You already have all the designs edited, and now you have to decide which of all of them is the ideal one to use as your company’s logo. And the best thing you can do is conduct field tests. Which consist of behavioral tests.

Test all designs in possible use situations. In prints, in digital images, and you can also do it using mockups. Because these tests will help you determine which logo works best for a color. Which best supports employment at different sizes and distances to human sight.

And at the end of the tests you will be able to determine which ones have worked best and added to the graphic aspect you will be able to determine which is the ideal logo to use in your business.

More logo styles

3D Logos


Cartoon Logos


Geometric Logos


Hand-Drawn Logos


Minimalist Logos


Vintage Logos


Watercolor Logos


If you could not find the design you are looking for, you can go to the “Home” page, or you can email us, and we will create the logo you need.